Sunday, February 26, 2017

Block Marcos: A growing, promising force in the Philippine Left

To hold Rodrigo Duterte accountable or not. To name the current social system as the main reason for the suffering of the mass of Filipinos or not. These are the main contradictions begging for a resolution within today's Leftist movements.

Block Marcos has come up with an answer. Rodrigo Duterte, who represents the elites of a Philippine capitalist society that benefits only them, is accountable for the rising tide of political persecution and killings especially toward the poorest members of the population in the country.

The group views Duterte as a threat of a looming dictatorship and authoritarianism.

Block Marcos is among the groups most critical against Duterte openly -- and one many of whose members identify as Leftists. They are, of course, a minority on this side of the spectrum, and will need all of our attention and support.

The group's members comes from various sectors, including the workers, students, human rights activists and mass organizations.

Hopefully Block Marcos continues to provide a venue for a much needed rejuvenation of radical politics in the country.

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